
Basement Moisture: Causes & Solutions

Causes of Moisture in Basements Poor Drainage System Poor structural drainage is a common reason for moisture in the basement. Improper grading around the foundation allows water to pool near the basement walls, leading to moisture infiltration. Another vital component of protecting your home is your gutters. Clogged gutters and downspouts prevent water from properly …


Graffiti Removal: How Power Washing Can Help

Graffiti is a common issue that many businesses face—especially in urban areas. Luckily, there are removal methods that can keep your business looking professional and clean. Let’s look at how graffiti can impact your business and community and how to clean graffiti with pressure-washing services from Steamatic of Colorado Springs. The Impact of Graffiti on …


Pro Tips for Keeping Your Home Sanitary

A tidy living space not only enhances your home’s aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of your family. As the trusted restoration and cleaning partner in Colorado Springs, Steamatic understands the unique challenges posed by the environment here. Understanding the importance of a sanitary home will help …

Floor Grout Clean and Shiny 1

Tips to Keep Your Floor Grout Clean and Shiny

Dirt, grime, or discoloration on the floor is a turn-off for many people. Keeping your shower and tub spaces clean, fresh-looking and hygienic may significantly improve your home’s attractiveness, comfort, and value. It is critical to clean your porous shower grout regularly since soap, debris, and filth tend to sink deeply into the grout lines, …

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