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Is that Mold? Identifying Black Mold

Mold may begin to grow in moist climates and damp spaces. No one likes mold, but black mold has a particularly bad reputation for spreading quickly through a home and causing severe illness. Black mold is a type of mold identified in the 1800s. It is common in regions with high humidity but can be found in homes throughout the country. Over time, Stachybotrys chartarum (the scientific name for black mold) became known as one of the most dangerous types of mold in your home.

The question is: How do you identify black mold? What makes black mold different from other molds, and, once you find it, how can it be removed? At Steamatic of Colorado Springs, we are mold removal experts. We’re here to help you identify mold and then remove it safely from your home.

Understanding Black Mold

Black mold was originally a type of forest fungus. Its purpose is to eat dead trees and break them down – back into dirt. Unfortunately, it can’t tell the difference between a dead tree and your house … or you.


Black mold is not true black but very dark green. When moist, it looks shiny and slimy. When dry, it looks fuzzy and powdery. It tends to spread as tiny circles and often has clumps of thicker, darker sections of the mold colony. Black mold looks black from a distance but can look green up close or in thin areas on white walls.


It gathers where there is dampness, often in corners, showers, and cabinets. But it can spread through the entire house and prefers the back side of surfaces like the walls, the underside of floors, and the inside of cabinets.

Health Risk

What makes black mold so dangerous is that it is toxigenic. It releases mycotoxins, which are harmful to humans. Black mold exposure is known to cause severe respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and high-risk fungal infections. Pets are also at risk of black mold respiratory and fungal illness.

Signs of Black Mold Infestation

You can spot the signs of black mold in your house if you know what to look for. As soon as you identify black mold, you can take action to protect yourself and your family.

Clusters of Black and Dark Green Growth

Look for dark-colored discoloration in the house that appears in a ‘cluster’ type formation of circles and blotches.

Spreading Dark “Stain”

If you see a smudgy or wet stain in a corner that appears to spread, this could be a black mold colony.

Sharp Musty Odor

Black mold smells like a rotting forest. The odor has been described as somewhere between sour laundry, a compost pile, and cedar trees.

Where to Look

  • In the shower and bathroom
  • In corners – floor or ceiling
  • Where water damage has been
  • Under carpets
  • In cabinets
  • Behind walls

DIY Mold Identification Methods

You may have smelled that distinct moldy odor or spotted a few blotches in your house that could be mold. With the right mold identification techniques, you can confirm the situation and take the correct action.

Visual Inspection

First, look closely. We suggest wearing a handkerchief or face mask over your nose and mouth before you lean in close. Black mold is very dark green and forms in colonies. It is slimy when wet and fuzzy when dry. Mold forms in tiny circles and is often fuzzy with spores.

A visual inspection will tell you if a smudge is grime or mold and whether it’s Stachybotrys.

Home Testing Kit

You can get an at-home mold testing kit for $30 to $70. Carefully collect a sample and send it to a local lab to discover what mold is in your home. Be careful. Black mold is not the only toxigenic variety that grows in homes.

Professional Mold Inspection

Lastly, you can schedule a professional mold inspection. Experts who know mold will identify the type of mold and the severity of the problem. A mold inspector may also check under your floors, behind the walls, and in the basement/attic.

Call Steamatic for Black Mold Remediation in Colorado Springs

Black mold in your home is not safe. Not only is it eating the beams and walls that support your house, but the spores are also toxic and can cause severe illness with prolonged exposure. Do not try to scrape or scrub the black mold away by yourself, or you might put your health (and those in the house) at risk.

Instead, you can rely on the professionals. Steamatic of Colorado Springs can provide the pro-black mold remediation you need to feel safe in your home again. Contact us for a professional mold inspection and plan your mold remediation service.

Image Source: Dina Da // Shutterstock